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Data fetching


Technologies with less than 10% awareness not included.
Each ratio is defined as follows:

  • Retention =  
    would use again
    ( would use again + would not use again )
  • Interest =  
    want to learn
    ( want to learn + not interested )
  • Usage =  
    ( would use again + would not use again )
  • Awareness =  
    ( total - never heard )
We asked members of the React Native community to share their opinions about the results
In 2023 fetch API remains the most popular API to retrieve data in a React Native app. React-Query and tRPC are also growing in usage. This year, the advent of Expo server-side features is likely to shake up the landscape of data fetching solutions. Expo Router v3 recently became a full-stack framework with the introduction of API Routes, and the plan is to also support React Native Server Components.
We asked members of the React Native community to share their opinions about the results

Experience Over Time

Overview of opinions on the technologies surveyed over time.
Would use again
Would not use
Not interested
Never heard

Technologies with only one year of data are not included.

Sentiment Split

This chart splits positive (“want to learn”, “would use again”) vs negative (“not interested”, “would not use again”) experiences on both sides of the central axis.

Bar thickness represents the number of respondents aware of a technology. Click on the individual label to see more details.

Overall happiness

Other data fetching